Placemark’s Map-Data Converter Transforms Everything to Everything

Placemark have released a neat map-data conversation tool that transforms data between pretty much any geo-data file format. Upload files or paste text, convert and then download the converted data in no time.

From the announcement post:

In the course of implementing lots and lots of file formats in Placemark, we’ve ended up with some great, reusable tools. I figured it’d be pretty useful to just let anyone use those things, on a convenient drag & drop (or click, or paste) page. I hope it’s useful. Happy Friday!

This list will go out of date, but right now - you can convert:

  • FlatGeobuf
  • CSV
  • Excel
  • Zipped ESRI Shapefiles
  • GPX
  • TCX
  • Encoded polylines
  • Extract data from GeoTIFFs & JPEGs
  • KML & KMZ

This is a tool you want to bookmark.